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小筑 03-26 15:53:39



As anexperienced practitioner of the design industry, we have always aspired tocreate a story. The story begins and ends at a casual space in the bustlingbusy urban city center. The office space should not only be a place for seriouswork, but also for a place for friendly mingling.


We were surprised to discover this old garment manufacturing factory inthe deep recesses of a narrow alley in the Gulou District of Nanjing. She isironically secluded within the well-trafficked downtown area. The space has aserene character that belies her place of residence. We want her inherent calmto diffuse to any visitors that come by.



In shaping the spatial structure, we decided to fully respect thespace’s nature to to integrate the space with the spirit of the neighborhood.To capture the moment, we needed to balance the conflict between our space’sserenity against the cacophony of her surroundings. Against all desires tobring in the new, we wanted to preserve her façade and characteristic.


When a a visitor takes the first step through the gate, it should seemsas though transported through a portal to a different dimension – one that isthe antithesis of one step prior. The change in scenery is certainlyunexpected, although the visitor may still observe from whence they came fromthe windows. Any passerby will be intrigued and pleased to discover such aportal to transport them to a calm world.


As we delve further, we will see an almost completely open areaintegrated into the building’s bulk structure. The floor and wall aremonolithic – continuous and unified, using high strength cement-based millstonetechnology. 


Through the built-in difference in elevation in the floor, thespace is conveniently delineated into different functional zones. Another keyrole of the varied elevation of the floor is to address the lingering problemsof the plumbing in older buildings. Even though there is ample space forprofessional discourse, there is extra room for casual interaction. One couldbe in an office with co-workers then within a few steps be drinking tea withfriends around a fireplace – reminiscing the past and enjoying the present. Onecan filter out all unnecessary decorations and end up with a minimalist andartistic aesthetic, full of architectural texture.


The original structural support and beams retain the originalappearance of the old civil construction, only for dust cover treatment. The outerlayer of the building carries a long history, but we have given it new meaning,a tribute to the present of the decades-old factory building.


The central island bar and the floor are made of the same material,cast from the same stone. The Australian fir on top is an appropriatecombination of the elements of wood and stone, which is our interpretation ofthe power of nature. Functionally, the bar effectively connect the office areason both side of the space, realizing efficient work communication and eveninviting for a relaxing afternoon tea.


As designers who grew up in the center of Nanjing, we have a specialconnection to this city. As Nanjing lies on the Yangtze river, we bridge thisrelationship by bringing a part of the Yangtze into our fish tank in the formof river stones. The Yangtze river stones bring a deep red, inciting a heavysense of age into the walls and present in the form of rammed earth wall. Glasspartition and hanging dividers subdivide the office area but gives the feelingof having more space than what exists.


The existing skylight has been repurposed to realize the interflowbetween indoor and outdoor so that the bamboo inside the space may thrive. Thisalso infuses the ethereal light into the soul of our serene lady. At high noon,the warm sunlight enters through the skylights and mixes with the moistatmosphere. As the air mixture flows, so does the light. This charm lights upthe walls. Come evening, the sunset raises our heads from our desks and bringsa second wind to remind us of more of life to enjoy.


The minimal displays of decorationsmatch the simplicity of the white space. Rocks, vegetation, fish tank – theyneed no other to shine.



Simplicity is not to give up the attention to detail, but to focus onthe minutiae. And thus end the story.

