Super nature lab超然建筑研究室
本项目是Super nature lab超然建筑研究室办公空间,原本是一层6.0米层高的店铺空间。利用钢结构夹层把原有空间分割为一二两层空间使用。一层为T.E.M.P艺术空间,设置了吧台、会议空间、卫生间及展览装置,夹层为Super nature lab工作室的日常工作空间。
This is the project of the working space of Super nature lab. It was originally a store space with a storey height of 6m and has been divided into two storeys with a steel sandwich panel. The ground floor is the T.E.M.P art space, outfitted with a bar, meeting space, washrooms and exhibition installations, while the mezzanine floor is used as the daily working space of Super nature lab .
At the front and back of the building, a large area of glass is installed to ensure that there is sufficient light in the interior space. Moreover, the most unique feature is the long horizontal window that provides a wide view of the large greenery landscape around the building.
As for the materials used for the design, we hope to preserve the original appearance of the concrete, steel mezzanine floor and plywood. The touch-up details are showed directly , and the appearance directly expresses the beauty of the structure. With a large area of vacant space, the entire space reflects a rational and simple feeling.
业主方:Super nature lab超然建筑研究室
设计方:Super nature lab超然建筑研究室
摄影:左小北 (恩万影像)
Project information——
Location:Zhinitang,Panyu Area,Guangzhou, China
Client:Super nature lab
Design Firm:Super nature lab
Project Architect:Zhiwu Huang
Design Team:Wenlang Liang、Jiahao Feng
Building Area:200㎡
Design Period:04/2018-06/2018
Construction Period:07/2018-10/2018
Photography:Zuoxiaobei (Enwan photography)