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Natural SPA

小筑 05-07 10:23:38






项目位于一处几经易主的多层商铺,在开展项目设计之初,我们对原有空间进行了例行常规勘测,对当时所见的一层开始进行构思与设计。此时现场拆除工作也在同步进行。当整个顶面拆除完成后,意外发现隐藏在原有吊顶内部接近7米的挑高空间,这对于委托方和我们来说都是一个巨大的惊喜,激发了我们对其进一步解构的欲望。我们在脑海中立即对整个空间进行重新排序,对方案进行了数次修正,最终成就了如今所见的"Natural SPA"。

The project is located in a multi-storeyshop. At the beginning, we measured the original space and began to conceiveand design. At this time the demolition work is also in sync. When the entireroof surface was dismantled, the unexpected discovery of nearly 7 meters ofspace hidden in the original ceiling was a great surprise to the client and us,which inspired our desire for further explore of the building. We reordered thewhole space and made several modifications to the plan immediately, andcompleted the current "Natural SPA".


In terms of spatial sequence, it followsthe architectural structure of the original roof, and through design techniquessuch as segmentation, recombination and superposition, it is strewn at randombut orderly, infuses the space with natural smell and poetry, and improves thesense of comfort and quality. Everyone who comes here will awaken the fivesenses, speak to the heart, and feel the reality of this moment.


Each space is not in a vertical andhorizontal line, giving a feeling of moving the building into the interior.Into the lobby, you can feel the quiet atmosphere. The space separated by glassblocks is transparent and private.


Entering the interior through the inductiondoor of the lobby, all processes are natural. Door slowly showing a scene willgive visitors feel we want to convey to a new dimension: we designed a sevenmetres high corridor deliberately, the induction door opens slowly ,such a longand narrow and tall corridor created tremendous visual impact, and become aforce, attracting visitors, accompanied by zen music ,the door closed slowly,realize the awakening of their five senses!


In modern society, we are often busy andhave little time to experience the beauty of simplicity. In order to givevisitors an immersive experience, the whole space is presented with plaincolors. Everything begins with simplicity. Minimalism is the beauty of things,so is life.



The lighting adopts the way of combiningdot and line, so that the whole space presents a quiet atmosphere whilesatisfying the lighting. The Windows are made of wood grilles and paper, whichmake up for the lack of light in some rooms and give people an illusion. Usegreen plant, flower implement to enrich the space.

古典园林的设计,通常强调一步一景、移步换景。同样地,在Natural SPA的通道走廊中,也有异曲同工之妙。除了在必要位置设置端景,还将其中一处端景与内部员工通道的电动移门结合,随着门的开启或关闭,端景在门的运动中一点点的展现或遮挡,这是对走道空间的一个丰富,整个空间也随之变得灵动。我们希望这一巧思带给人们的是一种惊喜,更多的也希望他们感受到被掩盖的美,恰似“犹抱琵琶半遮面”所言。一花、一叶、一枝、一器皿,简单素朴的空间被细节雕琢,迸发出安宁清逸而又别致之感。

The design of classical gardens usuallyemphasizes changing a scene by step. Similarly, in the corridor of Natural SPA,there is a similar technique. The decorations at the end of the corridor arecombined with the electric sliding door of the staff passage. As the door isopened or closed, the scenery slowly unfolds or hides, and the whole spacebecomes vivid. We hope that this ingenuity will bring people a surprise andthat they will feel the hidden beauty. A flower, a leaf, a branch, reveal aquiet and elegant and chic feeling.


City life often makes people losethemselves in the busy. People need to slow down, be lazy once in a while, andrelax. Drink a cup of tea, read a volume of poetry, listen to your own heart.


主持设计 : 张  焱

Leader Designer :Zhang Yan

软装陈设 : 张  焱

Furniture Display:Zhang Yan

项目地址 : 江苏省南京市栖霞区

Location :QiXia,JiangSu,China

文     案 : 况岑钰 & 崔  凯 

Copywriter : Kuang Cenyu & Cui Kai

空间摄影 : EMMA 

Photography : EMMA 


