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小筑 08-03 13:21:17


CITYFARM – JINHUI地處上海金匯南路。這裡是上海韓國人聚集的街區,集中了豐富的來自韓國的商業品類,也包含各種體量的超市,面對這個商業競爭激烈的街區,設計師申俊偉先生希望在此打造一個不一樣的CITYFARM。

CITYFARM - JINHUI is located on South Jinhui Road in Shanghai. This is where the Koreans in Shanghai gather. A variety of Korean commodities and supermarkets are concentrated in this district. Facing with the fierce business competition, the Designer Mr. Shen hopes to  build CITYFARM as a supermarket providing values different from common sense.

為了能在琳琅滿目的超市中脫穎而出,必須向顧客展示CITYFARM的與眾不同之處,從空間、產品、購物體驗等方式著手;第一印象是天然的信任基礎,要將CITYFARM變成場景,而不是單一、一次性購買的場所。這個場景讓鄰里之間建立情感上的聯繫,通過EAT IN空間、Farm食研所等體驗方式,讓鄰里關係更融洽親密。

To be outstanding of various supermarkets, CITYFARM needs to display its distinctive quality to customers, starting with space , products, shopping experience etc. The first impression is the basis of intrinsic trust. CITYFARM should be designed as a scene, instead of a single-purpose, a one-time purchasing place. This scene will strengthen emotional bonds between neighbors. Through participating in EAT IN Space and Farm Foodstudy Institute, the intimacy among neighborhood shall be improved.

設計概念Design Concept:HARVEST TIME收穫時光

"種下希望,收穫時光" , 四季輪回,萬物成長, 收穫時節的土地,已變為金黃,成熟已讓人辨認不出它們原來的模樣,。曾經農場前種下幾寸高的小樹苗,如今已經高過牆去,長成參天大樹,樹上依然有鳥在叫,樹下有貓在跑,人在笑……

“Plant a hope, Harvest the time”. Season changes while living things grow. The land has been painted golden and yellowduring harvest time. The ripening makes it difficult for people to recognize what they were. The tiny tree buds we once planted were only a few inches tall, and now they havegrown taller than the wall, stretching into the sky. There are birds singing on the branches, cats running about the trunk, friends chatting and laughing under the leaves….


This is a place for family gathering. The pristine landscape is as if telling us: During the four seasons of one’s life, only with hard-working cultivation, will the joy of harvest be everlasting.


There are two parts in this project: Grand Barn Terrace, Collecting Mirror Farm


Grand Barn Terrace


Walking into CITYFARM - JINHUI, the first thing coming into our sight is a grand terrace, in the middle of which stands a giant tree stretching into the sky. The tree is preserved from reconstruction. It merges into the environment and exists with the space as a whole. As a “witness” of this surrounding, it will stir up the memories for nearby residents more easily……


The grand terrace is a vigorous public gathering place. It’s suitable for holding concert, art performance and long-table dinner etc., and all the food needed will be supplied by CITYFARM. The take-out window on the terrace will be providing any demanded food fresh right on time. The terrace is a stage in the shape of “L”, joining the building’s two facade into a unity. This combination is designed on purpose to remind people of traditional barn houses. The terrace can be spotted from the nearby streets and plaza.


The grand terrace will be sticking out of the building with eye-catching distance. It has a symmetrical structure in terms of the outline. And if we overlook from the entrance, the three-dimensional private vegetable fields on the same axis can be spotted, which are adopted and taken care of by children from this district. This place has been generally recognized as a grand landscape itself, a place for friends gatherings. Its existence shows respect for the original architecture, as well as an interpretation of the culture value of the CITYFARM brand.


Collecting Mirror Farm


Harvest season, is a painting colored with pigments made from gold and jade. The ripe fruits are raw yet of pure beauty. The golden smily faces sway back and forth with joyful enthusiasm. To emphasize the theme of “Harvest”, the Designer adopts a design expression of “Mirror Stage”, and the whole space is inverted upside-down. The reflection is a virtual image of equal size to real objects. It appears because sunlight shines on the plain surface. The combination of virtual image and real landscape will create a sense of infinite extension of the space, inventing astonishing visual effects. Through fusing every reality with imagination, the scenes draw the customers into a world of mirroring.


Golden straws are stacked all over the rooftop, as if the golden land is moved into the sky. Whoever enters the space will instantly feels like being on a farm. Fresh food will be all around within touch.

在不同區域設置了隨性的EAT IN空間,室內中心是透明操作間,加工環節的呈現增添了顧客的現場感,讓消費者也可參與其中,體驗製作美食的樂趣。

Casual EAT IN Spaces are set up in different areas. The center of the indoor space is a transparent operation unit. Exhibiting processing procedure will give customers a sense of presence. The scene involves consumers to be part of the production and to have fun with making delicious food.




坐落地點Location:中國 . 上海Shanghai. China

設計師Desiger: 申俊偉ELSON SHEN


完工時間Completion date:2018.01.22

攝    影Photography:Dirk weiblen

主要材料materials:木、磚、石材等天然材質Wood, Brick, Stone and other natural materials

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