△ Design illustration 设计阐释
The architects provided a colorful, bright and clean design. However, it was important for all parties to preserve the original industrial design of the building like high ceilings and exposed piping. The final design is a contemporary minimal concept that focus on contrasts between colors and the existing concrete ceilings, walls and columns.
△ Pantry 茶水间
△ Pantry 茶水间
The layout is basically organized in three zones. On one side, the semi-private space with the most public functions like pantry, library and conference hall; at the center, the main body with office area, storage, materials library and informal meeting spaces; and at the end, to complete the program in a fully integrated way, the maker space lab and the machinery area.
△ Plan 布局示意
BYLU DESIGN capitalized the original structure of the space to provide avariety of intelligent and flexible work environments. The client asked for a versatile floor plan which enables to transform communal spaces into private and semi-private easily. The new design offers a variety of shared working areas that ranged from formal office space to informal spaces for ideation.
△ Lounge near the Pantry 靠近茶水间的休息区
△ Library near the Pantry 茶水间旁的阅读室
A distinctive feature of this space is the custom perforated metal partition that separate the semi-private area of the pantry/lounge from the maker space area.
△ Library 阅读室
△ Brain Storming 头脑风暴
△ Makers Area 创作空间
△ Makers Area 创作空间
The space is designed in order to have pantry, office area, storage and materials library compactly organized in a single brick-red volume. This choice has freed up a larger area of space for creative development activities.
△ Sample Library 材质库
△ Sample Library 材质库
△ Section 剖面图
△ Layout 平面图
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