The fragrance of tea is subtle, but people can easily get soaked upin it and feel refreshed from mind to body. How to apply such a quality to aspace and allow its visitors to have a piece of tranquility unknowingly.
This is the question posed by the owner and to be answered by SteveGao, thechiefdesigner. As a practitioner of space emotions, Gao believes that the ideal teaspace for young people should be open, free and easy, and possess an aestheticand contemporary touch. As Gao puts it, the best possible way to present anideal Chinese tearoom is to create a modern space and infuse it with easternvibes.
The complex in which TEA-Z sits never lacks trendy elements, theissue the designer has to deal with is allowing tea drinkers to have some quietand relaxing time at TEA-Z without feeling they are out of style.The truth is the younger generation in China are finding their ownlikes with great confidence when it comes to the pursuit of aesthetics and thequality of life rather than blindly chasing the fuss and mimicking.The renaissance of an elegant eastern lifestyle and the tea culturebecomes an expected new trend. The Chinese have enjoyed a long history ofdrinking tea, but the way of doing it requires some new thoughts to match thelifestyle these days.
The space is divided into four parts, including a front lobby for havinga taste of the tea, a bar counter, a storage room and a display area for purchasing.The storage room, apart from its basic function, is used to narrow the space inthe middle part of the room, giving the customers a differentiated view as theywalk through the tea house.
Instead of the traditional way to decorate a tea house, an installationof multiple strips hand weaved in bamboo is used to cover the roof and to furtherextend to part of the walls. The design was inspired by the fluid movement of afisherman who is casting the net.The color of the bamboo strikes a perfect balance with the black,white and grey in the space, which are the colors often used in traditionalChinese brush painting. People can enjoy their tea and refreshments in thiswinding space while appreciating the installation.The handmade craft reminds people of an image of a fisherman castinghis net with full strength and the curve falls naturally on the surface of thewater, solid and smooth, with a touch of rawness. The lightness in the tone ofthe material best speaks to the casual and unbridled curves, adding to thespace some poetic and comforting elements.
此外,墙面上的浅色纹理是受中国陶瓷开片的启发,按 1:1 比例画出,再经过人工绘制到墙面上的。开片是中国陶瓷最常见的烧制手法,而陶瓷作为茶叶的容器,它的品类、工序、色彩与釉面又从一定程度上影响着茶叶冲泡出的香气和口感,作为茶文化必不可少的元素,与整个空间的内在精神暗合。
The light-colored textures on the wall drew its inspirations fromthe cracks in Chinese ceramics, the lines were drawn in the same proportion asthe cracks and painted on the wall by hand.Cracking is the most common method for firing Chinese ceramics, andas the container for tea, the categories, procedures, colors and glaze of apottery always has an influence on the fragrance and the taste of tea.Therefore, the walls exist as an indispensable element in the room to match thedesign of the space.
Friendly soft lightings are used in the house to avoid theaggressiveness of harsh lights and they are designed separately for differentareas. The lamps that resemble a drop of water are covered in mercury coatingsso that people do not get glaring stares even when they look the lamps directly,and they are like raindrops falling into the space.The room is immersed in the pleasant lights coming from thethoughtfully placed lamps, and people entering into the space begin to speak ina softer tone and unload their anxieties without even noticing it.
There are no interferences or blocks in the room and the arrangementof seats reminds people of a spacious café, which is an intentional move by thedesigner. “We hope that customers are able see each other and this tea houseshould be a place for people to connect,” Gao said. The curving bamboo installation makes thespace boundaryless and forms a link between the roof and the walls, creating anopen and free atmosphere.
通过色彩、材质、照明和声音设计,最终营造出属于一个空间的特定情绪,也是高志强一直以来践行的设计理论。浅在茶室的黑白灰和木色组合,弱照明,以及空间中悄然流淌的自然元素,搭建出浅在独有的气质 —— 自由、静谧、从容、开放。这也恰好是业主希望赋予这个新型茶空间的内核,希望每个走入浅在的人都能拥有的心境,而设计师也借由这个案例再次证明了空间情绪理论对于室内设计在心理层面上的影响力。
The design creates a specific emotion for the space through the useof colors, materials, lightings and sounds, it is a philosophy that Gao hasbeen practicing along the way. The color combination, the soft lightings andthe fluidity in the space brings a unique temperament to TEA-Z that isunconstrained, quiet, unhurried and open.This is what the owner has hoped for this new type of tea house andfor how the visitors feel when they walk into the shop. Gao, as the chiefdesigner, has proved once again the psychological influence the theory of spaceemotions has upon interior designs.
工作之外,高志强也习惯泡一壶茶伴随一天的工作和生活。“我也喝咖啡,但是茶是我全天在喝的一个饮品。” 他说,“很多人只是没有找到合适自己的那款茶,一旦遇到,你永远都离不开了。” 高志强说,咖啡和奶茶喝多了会心慌、会腻,但茶是不同的,它清淡却长久。真正的茶也不需要添加任何辅料,因为茶自身的魅力已经足够让人陶醉。
Gao also has the habit of drinking tea while he is working or at hisleisure time. “I drink coffee, but tea is my all-day drink, “Gao said. “Forthose who do not like tea, it is probably because they have yet found the tea forthem. Once they found it, it will last.” Unlike coffee and milk tea, whichoften lead to over stimulation and excessiveness in taste, tea comes with alight but lasting flavor. A glass of quality tea needs no other ingredients andadditives as the tea itself is good enough to charm the people who drink it.
项目名称 :浅在 TEA-Z
Chief Designer: Steve Gao (GAOZhiqiang)
Assistant Designers: LI Ruirui,CHEN Deli, PENG Xingyi, CHEN Hao
设计面积:210 平米
DesignArea: 210m2
Time of Completion: July, 2020
Photographer: SHI Yunfeng
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