Everyone is trying to find a small sense of belonging and identity in this huge urban space. From the early morning to the sun, as time goes by, light and shadow are scattered through the building in this space, bearing each other, blending with each other, exuding Smart beauty.
< 前 厅 >
透过主入口的视框,映射大厅等高线横琴地图形象墙,仿佛在天空俯视横琴岛景,欣赏横琴人在岛上创造出一座座美丽的城市雕塑。 Through the frame of the main entrance, map the contour line of the hall contour line of the hall, as if looking at the landscape of Hengqin Island in the sky, and enjoying the beautiful urban sculptures created by Hengqin people on the island.
< 廊 道 >
在阳光下,追求更贴近生活有温度和质感的材料,营造触动心灵的空间灵韵 In the sun, pursue materials that are closer to life and have temperature and texture, creating a space that touches the soul.
< 开敞式办公区 >
Based on "people", the card position is equipped with a mid-bed, reflecting the high concern of the company from the details.
< 廊 道 >
< 洗手间 >
简约大气,素雅内敛,干练的线条是对细节极致的追求 Simple and elegant, elegant and restrained, capable lines are the ultimate pursuit of detail.
< 廊 道 >
精致与粗犷,让空间充满建筑的韵律,凝聚成空间的视觉中心 Exquisite and rough, let the space fill the rhythm of the building and condense into the visual center of the space.
< 楼 梯 >
The pursuit of a more close to life, the elements of temperature and texture, to create a sense of a sense of architectural space, the pursuit of simple minimalism.
The style is simple. May you have a cup of coffee in the afternoon after the sun is shining, sit down and savor the details of the space.
故事还在继续 ...
To Be Continue