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梅赛德斯 上海 Reman Office

小筑 10-10 12:16:48


Mercedes-Benz Parts Manufacturing & Services Ltd. (MBPM) built its new factory in the Shanghai Lingang Area. As Mercedes-Benz's first remanufacturing site outside Europe.

In the spirit of efficient design, Reman office interior design language preserve the legibility of Mercedes-Benz style:innovation combined with uncompromising quality.


Reman 办公室的室内设计语言秉承其高效设计的精神,保留梅赛德斯-奔驰风格的一贯风格: 创新与不妥协品质相结合。

OPEN PLAN OFFICE - Think Tank Island  开放办公——智库岛

With the inheritance of the automobile culture, the office employs an open plan that facilitates communication within the company, it expected to provide a youthful and flexible working environment that would encourage the young staff to explore their individuality.

In each office zone, small island room named 'think tank' has been placed in the center. This boxed room is using for small private phone booth or casual meeting room to fulfill the needs of small gathering and chatting, front side of the island room provides working area, while the back side has the small work-cafe for the employees. The work-cafe area provides dry canteen with high standing table, bench seat or stools and communication magnetic board.

In addition, from the bay window, sidewalk extended as the impromptu casual meeting and gathering corridor can enjoy the natural lighting.



3RD FLOOR - Collaboration Zone 三层——合作空间

On the 3rd floor between the office area, the layout provides the large collaboration space right behind the reception provides two large tables with loose furniture and colored writing board. Designed for internal and external guests.

在三层两侧办公空间之间, 空间设计提供了大型合作空间。在紧邻接待区的空间内提供了两张长桌与活动家具,书写磁板,可供内部与外部交流使用。

2ND FLOOR - Coffee bar & Canteen 二层——咖啡吧与餐厅

The new canteen on the 2nd floor reflects the factory culture and try to make more communications in the canteen by adopting large dining tables and benches. The layout of the cube shaped service counter can attracts an organized flow of circulation.


1ST FLOOR - Flexibility一层——活动空间

On the 1st floor, the training room achieved highly flexible and adaptive space by introduced of movable partition in the middle, which can separated the room into two middle-size room with sliding white board system. In order to maximize the people capacity, long stepped bench seats provided on the back of the room, and stackable chairs can be stored under the bench seat in the rolled drawers.

On the 1st floor, there are more amenity spaces, such as the locker rooms, shower & make-up rooms, mother's room and gymnastic area.



Materials & Color——材料与色彩

The modern industrial character of the office is emphasized by used materials (painted white open ceiling, dark metal frame) and visual colored featured system such as painted wall, carpet flooring and fabric on the furniture. As well as the transparent and translucent colored glass, the whole space is distinguished by youth, freshness and energy.


设 计 草 图


故事还在继续 ...

To Be Continue

