Australian supermarket giant Coles finally opens its recently completed office in Shanghai, China. The company makes life easier by delivering quality, value and service to its consumers who shop at Coles supermarkets every week.
以EDS Interior一直以来对企业“用户体验”的重视为出发点,我们期待能够将这一理念同样运用到位于上海静安区越洋广场建筑内的客澳市(贸易)上海办公空间。我们为该项目的设计主轴定下基调:
- 现代 Modern
- 时尚 Fashion
- 功能性 Functionality
- 轻松 Relaxed
EDS Interior's emphasis on enterprise "user experience" is the starting point, and we look forward to applying this concept to Coles Shanghai office. We aim to create a modern, relaxed, stylish and functionality office space.
作为合作供应商,EDS Interior为Coles客澳市公司提供了Marrs品牌的隔板,Shaw品牌的地毯,Harworth品牌的家具以及来自德国L&S照明方案等装饰材料的设计。使整个空间无论从设计上还是从功能上都体现得更加通透,富有活力。
EDS Interior spearheaded the production of interior design materials with Marrs (partition), Shaw (carpet), Harworth (furniture), L&S Lighting solutions(lamps/lanterns)as partner suppliers.
最新的客澳市办公室设计非常符合其企业形象:一个现代,有趣,宽敞的办公空间。在此次设计中,EDS Interior以灰、白为主色调,将木质纹理与现代玻璃进行搭配,并在家具的选择,加入了微妙的黑色元素,体现一种舒适且引人注目是时尚感。
The design of the newest Coles office truly befits its corporate image: a modern, fun, and spacious space. In order to obtain a minimalist yet incredibly stylish feel, EDS Interior chose a color palette that includes white and gray with wooden textures and contemporary glass colors. A subtle hint of black is also added to the furniture outline to frame certain angles.
The working area consists of three meeting rooms, two of which are regular meeting rooms. There are also cozy sofas lounge area. Other operational spaces are a little different from just having conventional working desks. A round table is situated for team huddles. Some desks are also facing against the video wall just in case some employees opt to focus more on their tasks.
Open office decorated with high end, featured carpet flooring, recalling the idea of some concrete flooring of contmporary lofts. The flexible arrangement of open desks helps to create a wellbeing environment where employees feel cared for.
In the kitchen area, open space is the key. It has a classic white tone with patterns that match the huge countertop, encouraging the employees to socialize more. The Coles’ office is accentuated with huge windows in the entire place, hence, showing acomfortable yet professional-looking structure.
Some resting areas are situated closer to the working area, but they are also secluded for select private conversations.
EDS Interior is after cost-efficient aesthetics with high consideration on the client’s needs. Each corner is functional and unique. True to its branding, Coles aims to have a high-end take on its office space.
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