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Karavaan | 用空间模拟自然

小筑 11-08 11:43:14


场馆所在的广场—— kwakerin 在漫长的历史中悄然转变。它最初是阿姆斯特丹旧城边界外的一个圩区,在19世纪被建坝后成为贝拉米社区的一部分。从那以后,人们就像卡拉瓦人(Karavaan,荷兰语,大篷车的意思)一样,一直向这个地方迁移,到现在已经成为了永久定居。

       Kwakersplein - the square where the venue is located - has been transformed throughout history. Initially a polder area outside Amsterdam’s old city limits, it became a part of the Bellamy neighbourhood after being dammed in the 19th century. Ever since, people have been migrating towards this spot, just like a Karavaan (Dutch for caravan), but this time to settle for good.

 Studio Modijefsky将一辆大篷车的旅程故事转化为kwakerin最明亮角落里的酒吧和餐厅。室内被巧妙地划分为不同的景观:草地、沼泽、森林、山脉和沙漠,每个区域都有自己的色彩方案、材料和设计细节,所有这些都由一条贯穿整个空间的小径统一起来。

       Studio Modijefsky has translated the journey of a caravan into a bar and restaurant concept in the brightest corner of Kwakersplein. The interior is subtly divided into different landscapes: meadow, swamp, forest, mountain and desert, with each zone characterised by its own colour scheme, materials and design specifics, all unified by a trail that crosses the entire space.

当你进入主门厅时,一个圆形的天花板灯定义了下面的休息区。从这里开始,空间向不同的方向展开,通过颜色、室内装饰和光线物体的变化来表示。右边是一个小酒吧,带有柔和的淡色调色板,连接到建筑角落的第二个入口。穿过人字形的木地板,走向天然的橡木吧台,白色的陶艺,错落有致的黄色瓷砖和浅色的羊毛地毯天花板,感觉就像置身于草地的高草中。该酒吧全天变化其功能,从早上喝咖啡的地方到晚上喝酒的靠窗座位。这种变化是由悬挂在酒吧上方的镜面光面板的结构暗示的,可以将其翻转,从“Karavaan Caffeine”变成“Cocktail Karavaan”。

       As you enter through the main vestibule, a circular ceiling light defines the lounge area underneath. From here the space unfolds into different directions indicated by changes in colours, interior finishes and light objects. Looking to the right a small bar with a toned-down fresh pastel palette is connected to a second entrance, located at the corner of the building. Walking across the herringbone wooden floor, towards the natural oak bar, the white ceramics, staggered yellow tiles and the light wool carpet ceiling, feels like being in the high grass of a meadow. This bar changes its function through the day, from a morning coffee spot to a window seat for an evening drink. This transition is suggested by a structure of mirrored light panels hanging above the bar, which can be flipped, changing from ‘Karavaan Caffeine’ to ‘Cocktail Karavaan’.


       As the meadow bar wraps around the corner, it changes levels, where a playful bespoke seating leads customers to one of the dining areas. Here the colours are more dramatic, conveying a mysterious atmosphere: the glossy ceiling, the deep blue column and stucco walls recall the reflections of the water and roughness of the deltas of a swamp. A similar vibe reappears on the opposite side of the venue, overlooking the square, where a dark purple ceiling and a tailor- made curved bench create a cosy corner with the adjacent column, separating the bar from the dining area.


Traversing the different landscapes, the central bar runs along the back of the space with lines of light, jute fabric and rough plaster intertwined as roots leading towards it. Dark cork panels join the wooden slats; the reflective zinc top runs through the front bar invading the dense wood. The verticality of the glass rack is reflected on the mirror tiles of the back bar, which are crossed by a wavy line of light, while the adjacent portion of ceiling, delineated by four beams, defines the centre of the space through a multitude of mushroom lights springing up from a mirror.


       Stepping down from the bar, the floor changes its pattern from herringbone to diagonal. Far from the natural light, the use of dark colours and rigid lines make this zone feel like a dim forest. A high bench with a green cylindrical backrest, detailed with leather accents, overlooks the space. Beams of light come through the walls, resembling the rays of sun peeking through dense tree trunks resulting in enchanted atmosphere. The feeling of the forest spreads towards the adjacent room and meets a desert, creating an eccentric mix of bright colours, brown wood veneer and green tiles. During the day this lounge space is easily accessible through the dining area at the entrance; at night folding doors allow the space to be used as a private area, creating an enclosed room that holds two different vibes and landscapes.


       Beams of light on one side and an arc of lights on the other, embrace a small wooden bar and playful high seating, creating an intimate corner. Just a couple of steps from the small bar, warm colours and softer lines rule: the tiled floor is covered by a soft rug, and the wooden slats of the wall are sweetened by a velvet golden-okra curtain, which makes this area a perfect spot for relaxing on the red velvet lounge chairs.


       Throughout the entire interior, following the different heights, a dark horizontal line breaks the walls in half, visually connecting every zone. The columns that unfold in the space are always complimented with a light accent or a furniture element. Sometimes a flipped light or a mark on the wall becomes a navigation tool to move through the different landscapes, just like in the old days, when stones were stacked, and rocks were marked to show the way.

 就像Karavaan一样,Studio Modijefsky一直坚持的设计踪迹,就是希望让你发现那些鲜为人知的只属于阿姆斯特丹的美好风景。

       Like a Karavaan, the trail designed by Studio Modijefsky makes you discover landscapes that nobody knew belonged to Amsterdam.

▼平面图 Plan


项目名称 / Project: Karavaan

设计公司 / Design: Studio Modijefsky

设计团队 / Team: Esther Stam, Moene van Werven, Agnese Pellino, Nancy Katri, Natalia Nikolopoulou, Zahra Rajaei, Martyna Nicolson, Christel Willers, Maite Margalho, Francesca Motta

项目用途 / Program: 咖啡厅、酒吧、餐厅 / Coffee bar, café, restaurant

任务方向 / Assignment: 室内设计和品牌设计 / Interior and brand identity design

建造状态 / Status: Realised January 2019

空间面积 / Size: 室内375 interior / 阳台 250 terrace

项目客户 / Client: Daan Bonsen, Arne de Wit, 3WO

项目地址 / Location: 荷兰阿姆斯特丹 / Kwakersplein, Amsterdam, The Netherlands 

项目摄影 / Photography: Maarten Willemstein

故事还在继续 ...

To Be Continue

