设计师 是一群不断提出问题与解决问题的人 随着社会对女性的要求越来越高,女性在社会中充当的职位也越来越多,妈妈、老婆、女儿、女员工、女老板……等等,本案的业主,就是一位全能型的女性,卸任某公司的项目经理后,便决定自己出来创业,成立属于自己工作室,继续热衷于自己的装修事业。与此同时,她还是两个孩子的妈妈,大儿子十一岁,小女儿三岁,除了工作,还要兼顾孩子们的照料。在综合了业主的要求和自身情况后,我们便有了HOMEWORK这个主题概念。 在有限的空间里,功能布局上除了主要商务洽谈,我们还做了一些细心的规划:大面积的书墙,除了美观,更是方便孩子们在来到这里,有一个阅读书籍的氛围,同时也能保持良好的阅读习惯。二楼活动区,是属于孩子们独立玩耍和绘画的地方,还有一面黑板墙可以给孩子们随意涂画。
该项目是个纯施工的家装工作室,工作室模糊于办公室的固定属性,采用移动式办公方式。设计从办公使用者出发,我们提出的概念是homework,是home也是 work,不仅仅是一般意义上的工作,既可以是严谨认真的工作,也可以是释放疲劳并有所得的共享场所。
The project is a pure construction of home decoration studio, the studio is vague in thefixed property of the office, using mobile office mode. Starting from the office users, theconcept we put forward is home work, which is home and work. It is not only a generalsense of work, but also a rigorous and serious work, or a shared place to release fatigueand gain.
Stair pedal combines line lamp, let stair have visual extension feeling and light shadowcrisscross feeling, let foot more a trace of nimble breath
项目实际面积为53平米,通过分切、贯穿、重组的方式将 4.65 米的空间分割为上下两层,并对局部做了架空和悬挑的处理。
The actual area of the project is 53 square meters. The space of 4.65 meters is divided intotwo layers by cutting, penetrating and reorganizing, and the overhead and overhangingtreatment is carried out for some parts.
Long table design not only discusses this single option, but also carries the birthday party, salon, handicraft and other complex functions. 蓝色作为空间强调的颜色,以体块的形式或横或纵,穿插了整个空间。横向蓝色圆管为建筑消防管道,蓝色圆柱由顶落半高和消防管道形成十字型穿插,稳固了空间结构和气场。圆柱设计既是钢构悬挑的固定用途同时也起到装饰及照明的作用。 As the color emphasized by space, blue intersperses the whole space in the form of block, horizontal or vertical. The horizontal blue round pipe is the building fire fighting pipeline. The blue cylinder is crossed by the top half height and the fire pipe, which stabilizes thespatial structure and gas field. Cylinder design is not only the fixed use of steel cantilever, but also plays the role of decoration and lighting.
Book wall design to meet the owners like to read the demand, but also a way of socialowners. The arc top design blurs the boundary between the top walls and changes thevisual scale.The design of the minimalist hidden frame door weakens the shape of the facade and sets off the blue hanging cabinet.
空间六面体用同一种色调来阐述,降低空间的立体感。蓝色 box 充当空间的垂直流线,同时成为整个空间的视觉焦点。
The hexahedron of space is described with the same tone to reduce thethree-dimensional sense of space. The blue box acts as the vertical streamline of thespace and becomes the visual focus of the whole space
Storefront image is an important part of commercial design. It is the most direct elementto convey to the society. We use reverse thinking, direct the visual center into the internalspace environment, and use super white glass to expose the storefront and break theimpetuous atmosphere of the street.
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