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小筑 12-08 20:44:10



ANBONG HOME is a showroom for Italianpaint brand TULLIO, situated within a building materials mall in Shantou, China.It's next to the secondary entrance of the mall. The design of its surroundingstores features many common elements such as signboard, stainless steel, marbleand glass, and shows an old-fashioned style and strong commercial atmosphere.


Before the launch of the project, theclient was hesitating about renting the site, which is a shop space shared bytwo tenants. The half space available for the client is at the more inner area,which offers poor visibility. This posed a great challenge to the design -that's why the client wavered over whether to rent the space or not. For the designteam, the challenge was to figure out how to break the restrictions of theoriginal space and attract customers.  





To tackle with theunfavorable position, the client communicated with the other tenant, who finallygave in and leaved an area, which opens up the view to the inner showroom. ADARCHITECTURE adopted pink structures in this area, to produce strong visualeffects and attract sight lines of customers. 


As conceiving ANBONG HOME, the designerstried to break with conventions and create the unexpected.


Customers enter the mall through themain entrance and walk out via the secondary entrance, which is close to theproject site. After they passed through plenty of old-fashioned stores, they willencounter with ANBONG HOME, which is a big surprise. It feels like that someonesuddenly meets an endless and exciting prairie after a long journey in the city.


The showroom offers a unique aesthetic,looking like an art gallery. The spatial design highlights the artistry andquality of the space, while also accentuating the close fusion of materials andspace.


The main challenge of spatialtransformation was how to break the limitations of the site, eliminate theoppressive feeling and create a breathing space. Based on the linear plane ofthe space, the design team divided the front part into two sections, in orderto create an introverted space that gradually opens up the view and expandstowards the inside.   


The reception and cashier desk is a boldattempt, which responds to the changing ways of payment in commercial field. Thespace was made simplistic and free of adornment, in order to encourage visitorsto feel materiality, lighting and the space itself. The only furniture at thereception area showcases the contrast between concrete and aluminum-like paintfinish, and highlights flexible, diverse material textures.


The transformation of the ceiling was basedon full consideration of structures and pipelines. In this way, the design teamproduced a high ceiling, which makes the space appears lofty. The curved metalnet hanging in the air and the stretch ceiling above together enrich therelationship between light and space, and evoke visitors' curiosity and desireto explore it.


The space is a container,and the design team tried to explore the expressions of handmade paintproducts. Customers are encouraged to feel the space and the charm thatproducts exude in it, and then to read the products in detail. 


The space features an expansive andbright feeling, natural textures and light. The designers emphasized theinteraction between space and people, greatly changed the original spatialstructures, coordinated materials, structures and colors, and created newfluidity between architecture and space.


Geometric shapes in thespace are elegant, simple and touchable, creating a floating and free ambience. 


▼剖面图,Section view


Project information/

项目名称:ANBONG HOME 涂料展厅

业主:Mauro Malfatti/ANBONG HOME



建筑面积:200 m2





模特:Mauro Malfatti

Project name:ANBONG HOME

Client: Mauro Malfatti

Chief designer: Xie Peihe

Location: Shantou, Guangdong, China

Area: 200 m2

Main materials: handmade paint, micro-cement, metal mesh, concrete, membrane

Start time: July 2020

Completion time: November 2020

Photography: Ouyang Yun

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To Be Continue

