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从自然而来 | 北京ROSEMOO创意空间环境设计

小筑 12-08 22:27:37



Beauty of orient lies in the lyric way of expressing emotions and its simple and natural nature. Such characteristics are not superficial symbols or cultural elements imposed on inner nature. Symbols and elements are not essential in design and they themselves only could not build up good designs! Beauty of Asia lies more in the flexible way of design.


Rosemoo is one of the rare but well-known women’s clothing brands in China, Every year; it attracts most attention in the Fashion Week. The inspiration of its design comes from the natural charm of Chinese culture. Rosemoo’s motto is “Made for the natural you.”


 It highly inspires our team of designers. We live in nature, yet it also shapes our behavior. It signifies truth and modesty, and our designers obey such principles in designing. Our design catches customers’ attention and resonates with them.


Placement is a vital part in creative interior design. We choose a café with 45 degrees of change as the center of whole area. The central zone functions as both café and main lobby, which solves the issue of distributing routines. For Cui Shu, the most important thing is that it offers conditions for communication between people within the space. In an environment consisting various directions, we tend to feel a sense of loss in both time and space. A paradise like perception is thus created .Visitors will be immersed in a relieving mood when they enter the premise. Naturalistic feeling is far more important than imitation of nature.


Bamboo is vital in compartmentalizing different zones. It is important to divide the 3000-meter square of office environment into various individual areas according to their unique functions. Bamboo becomes the necessary material for setting up compartments. A good design has to contain its own logic. Using bamboo not only conveys the characteristics of the design, but also solvesthe issue of compartmentalization. Also a sense of humble and natural of bamboo could be felt in this space formed by bamboos. This might be a symbol without “symbol”.


Solving the issue of beauty should not be taken as the starting point of a design. A good design is more than just being beautiful, it should make people feel comfortable and nice. A good design should look quiet, makes user feel good and conveys a feeling of beauty.


Space and art are independent; both I and my artist friends think our works are independent and has its own temperament and personality. Relationship between art and space are more like music and dancer, they enrich each other. It is more of an objective expression, in which every user has hisownfeeling and understanding. That’s why elements of art are always found in design.


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To Be Continue

