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打造“反引力”空间 将商业展示注入办公

小筑 04-07 19:12:52


项目位于一栋保留老厂房骨架的现代建筑(原世博会案例联合馆 3)的顶层,带有一个超大的露台。室内 32 米的大进深和仅3.5 米的净高给想要寻求空间突破的设计师带来了一定的难度:如何在相对局限的条件下满足两家公司日常办公的功能需求,同时还要赋予这个空间积极的功能,打造出一个博物馆级别的多功能展厅?

The building, the Expo Joint Hall No. 3, retains the structure of a preexisting old factory. With an oversized terrace, the project is located on the top floor of this building. The interior depth is 32 meters, but the height is only 3.5 meter this was a major design challenge due to we want to break this boundary. To meet the functional needs of daily work between the two companies was a challenge, too. In the end, we provide a space with useful functions and additionally bring a “museum style” multi-purpose exhibition hall.

▼ 空间生成分析


The elevator on the west side and the escalator on the east side were kept after the function changed to office usage. After many deliberations, we finally figured out that the elevator is more accessible and closer to the intersection. It becomes the primary entry to the fourth floor. The design starts with the white elevator hall that increases the extension of horizontal facade. The "anti-gravity" conference room and tea room divide the area into two individual spaces creating an encircling walkway that can be used as a multi- functional exhibition hall. This walkway surrounding the conference room has unlimited scenarios that can be used as a multi-function scene.

▼ 纯白简洁的迎宾空间


A dramatic expression of antigravity

基础空间扣除结构和机电风管后实际净高只有常规的 3.5 米,加上较大的进深,整体略显昏暗和压抑。设计师将最大的会议室设置在此,整体抬高与地面相脱离,抬高的平台向三个方向延伸并出挑达 3.6 米。立面上利用楔形视觉误差,巧妙的将钢梁藏身于结构之内,所见之处只有不到一公分的厚度。尽管整个会议室体积感很强,但它的质量感却因此被大大削弱,传递出一种视觉上的“轻”。在顶面和地面限定下,形成一种戏剧性的“反引力”效果。同时,抬高并延伸出来的平台亦可以作为舞台和展台使用,在未来的运用中可随时增添内容,会议室周围留出环绕走道自然形成了回廊式的展示空间,营造出一个充满创造力的复合场所。

After placing the structure and the electromechanical air duct, the net height of the central area is only 3.5 meters. The largest conference room in this area and is separated from the ground with an elevated platform that extended 3.6 meters in three directions. The wedge facade creates an illusion to hide the steel structure inside of the construction. Although the conference room is considerably big, it generates a moderate and light appearance. Due to the contrast between the top volume and the floor a dramatic "anti-gravity" effect is formed. 

▼ “反引力”会议室正面(上)及侧面(下)

▼ 会议室外围抬高且宽阔的平面亦可作为展台灵活布置

▼ 从平台看往水吧区

▼ 从平台看往小会议室

▼  复合型多功能空间 - 演讲模式

▼  复合型多功能空间 - 展览模式

中心区的大会议室正对北侧的露台,吊顶从会议室顶部一直延伸至室外形成雨蓬,立面上用同样的手法,使出挑达 11 米的雨蓬看上去轻薄如纸。在雨蓬的下方设有茶室,设计师希望茶室看起来与雨蓬非常接近但实际上又没有互相接触,因此将雨蓬的中间挖空,悬臂雨蓬夸张的出挑深度轻盈地遮蔽在茶室的上方,希望它们在保持这种张力的情况下进行对话。

The central conference room faces the north side of terrace. The ceiling extends from the top of the conference room to the outside awning. The same method that is used on the facade makes the awning, 11 meters long, looks as light as a paper. The tea room is under this area. The objective was to create an indirect connection between those two elements. In order to demonstrate this effect, the cantilevered awning is exaggerated and lightly shades the tea room.

▼ 出挑深远的雨蓬

▼ 茶室的玻璃可以开合

▼ 雨蓬和茶室的对话关系


Extension of the facade, Introduce the light


Although the project is located on the south of Huangpu River, there are not many front-facing river views because of the restrictions by the original layout and the position of the escalators and facilities rooms. The principle of the design became emphasizing the depth and breadth to extend the lateral facade. We planned the front desk, reception area, and offices near the entry. The niche creates a recessed space and river view can be seen through this "box". The walls on the left and right sides of the front hall are covered with black steel panels. We use wooden plates to surround the inner face of this box. The balance between cold and warm materials create a strong contrast with the white space around this area. The staggered wall niches break the monotonous environment enriching the design of the facade. We take advantage of the rooftop and placed a skylight to introduce natural light in the room. When the sunlight penetrates through the skylight windows, the shadows reflected on the floor create different patterns at different times of the day. In the original design, there was a staircase leading to the roof terrace under the skylight, but the idea was abandoned due to multiple reasons.

▼ 明亮的前厅空间

▼ 室内一隅


The simplistic space between black and white


This design puts aside all the unnecessary elements to represent the most authentic and essential characteristics of the space. The whole area is covered with basic materials such as cement, bricks, steel plates and wood. Black and white colors represent calm and rational and are the two main colors in this space. At the same time, these colors can merge perfectly with other interior ingredients that have various chroma, brightness and saturation. The ultimate goal was the balance between beauty and simplicity, so people can feel the peace and calm created from all the components in this space.

▼ 水吧休闲区

▼ 会议室


项目地点 : 中国,上海

项目业主 : 上海易成实业投资有限公司 

项目面积 : 1,670 平方米
主持建筑师 : 钟凌 

设计团队 : 胡颖祺、施望刚、许可 

现场项目经理 : 张文杰 

结构设计 : 袁鑫
摄影 : 吴清山、姜山英 

主要材料 : 钢板、木、水泥砖

Location:Shanghai, China

Client: Yi Cheng Industrial Investment Co. Ltd., Shanghai 

Area: 1,670 sqm

Lead Architect: Ling Zhong
Design team: Yingqi Hu, Wanggang Shi, Ke Xu
Project Manager: Wenjie Zhang
Construction team: Xing Yuan
Photography: Qingshan Wu, Sanying Jiang
Main materials: steel, wood and cement brick


